
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Event Planners Turned Crisis Managers

Handy Dandy Event Planner's Emergency Kit

An emergency situation can completely unravel even the most flawlessly coordinated event. And often times, it is the event coordinator is who is suddenly turned to in the case of an emergency. You've had the answers for everything up until now, and now you're being looked to in cases of dangerous weather or accidental injury. Don't panic! We've put together a handy list of tips to keep your event running smoothly even in rough waters.

1. Be aware of potential crises. Even though it's not likely that a tornado will tear through your reception hall during your event, it's wise to be aware of the possibility. Check weather conditions and do a quick search for potential hazards around your venue. Is there an airport nearby? A power plant? An ocean? It may feel silly, but a few minutes of preparation could make a difference during crisis.

2. Have a plan. Prepare for emergencies ahead of time and have a plan in place. Learn floorplans, locate fire extinguishers and fire alarms, design an evacuation procedure.  Learn the correct venue staff to contact in case of injury. Having an emergency plan in place will help keep you calm in stressful situations.

3. Know the basics. Educate yourself on simple rules of safety during emergency situations so you're able share with others. Stay away from windows during storms. Don't take cover beneath heavy items or architecture that could collapse or fall. Don't use elevators during a fire. Don't go back inside a dangerous building until safety officials have deemed it safe. Knowing these things can save lives.

4. Make friends with local emergency responders. Weeks before your event, call the local fire department, police department, and EMS and introduce yourself. Let them know the date and location of your event and how many guests will be attending. Learn the names of these responders. It's likely that they have assisted at your venue before and can offer customized safety advice. It's also likely that these people will respond to your emergency with extra care if they remember your effort to plan ahead and remember their names. Every little bit helps!

5. Learn from others' mistakes. You never think it will happen to you, but there are thousands of newspaper articles and YouTube videos reminding us that emergency situations do occur at events, and more often than you think. Read up on both positive and negative handlings of crises during events. What went wrong? What was done right? Before you are faced with your own experience, educate yourself with the mistakes of others.

Spread the word about your commitment to safety! Don't forget to tell your clients about your emergency preparedness! It's not something people like to think about, but your customers will appreciate that you took the time to think it through.

Now go manage some crises!

Sources: Meetings Net


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