
Monday, October 31, 2011


It is a luxury most people take for granted, the ability to wash our hands without thinking twice about it.
In America, it seems that soap is very much an item taken for granted. We can purchase soap at the local convenience store for next to nothing. We can buy it in bulk, which will keep us stocked for months on end. Americans can even give soap as presents. High-end retailers offer soap gift baskets and decorative soap bars for lavish bathrooms. Soap is so integrated into our culture, it often does not receive the credit it deserves.
Clean the World, a social enterprise based in Orlando, Florida, hopes to change our outlook on soap and educate us on the life-saving powers this cleansing bar holds.
Every year, millions of people worldwide lose their lives due to hygiene-related illnesses. Clean the World's dual missions: saving lives across the globe by providing soap and reducing the waste of plastic bottles, are two goals we knew we had to support. By teaming up with hotels across the nation and people like you, Clean the World is able to collect and distribute cleansing products to impoverished people everywhere.
Join Paragon Events, this Saturday, November 5th at the Peabody Hotel for Clean the World's Inaugural Gala. Hope to see you there and together we can Clean the World!


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